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内容简介Lothian shore of the Forth in Scotland, but with all trace of human habitation removed. This imaginary continent acquired its name Naboland (eighbouring land�in Norwegian) from the name of a...
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内容简介communities, which, while sometimes beneting the women concerned, more usually results in emotional and ancial hardship. For more on traditional practices, see pp.280�90.All these issues are...
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内容简介STEVE FALLONcheated and the contest was annulled. We argued over who had more pressing engagements back in the real world; it was a tenway tie. In the end, we all just grabbed for the ticket...
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内容简介DAT E N M I SS B R A U C H V E R H I N D E R NWissenswertes zum AuskunftsrechtLaut 搂 34 des Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes haben Sie jederzeit das Recht, sich zu erkundigen, wie Ihre Daten erfass...
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内容简介118C H A P T E R 7 . W H E R E TO D I N ET H E I TA L I A N V I L L A G EAlong with The Berghoff (see listing above), the Italian Village ranks as a downtown dining landmark. Open since 1927...
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内容简介Major San Francisco Attractions0 0 1 km 1 miN1Golden Gate BridgeArea of Berkeley Detail2SAN OAKLAND FRANCISCO101Blv d.San Francisco BayGOLDEN GATE NATIONAL RECREATIONAL AREA101L in coBaker B...
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内容简介ShipmanSheraton Caverns. Dive site, Pop, Kaua. One of the most popular dive sites on Kaua. A 30- to 60-foot site with three large parallel lava tubes 80�20 feet long offshore that are the is...
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内容简介In February 1998 PUSC candidate Dr Miguel Angel Rodrguez was elected president, thus continuing the trend in Costa Rican politics for the past half-century, wherein power has been traded mor...
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John S. Bowman, Peter Kerasiotis, Sherry Marker, Heidi Sarna, "Frommer's Greece"
2011-02-16 00:00:00
内容简介G E T T I N G TO & A R O U N D E P I R U S558 offers daily flights between Athens and Ioannina. Olympic also flies about once a day from Athens to Aktion, just outside Preveza on the souther...
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内容简介t wo91from Helena, led by Civil War veteran Gen. Henry D. Washburn; along with the enthusiastic amateurs came a cavalry escort commanded by ace Indian hter Lieutenant Gustavus C. Doane. They...