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内容简介36 spreekuur thuisrele misselijkheid, waarbij de patint en de omgeving van de patint kunnen helpen om, naast het geven van medicijnen, deze te voorkomen of te verminderen. Soms helpen ook an...
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Committee for the Evaluation of the Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust Programs in Biomedical Sciences, Board on Higher Education and Workforce, National Research Council
2006-05-11 00:00:00
内容简介100APPENDIX Cproposal for a total of $3 million to the Trust to subsidize the animal facility and for seed grants to enable junior scientists to pursue projects that have promise of opening ...
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内容简介To prevent the diversion of precursor chemicals for use in the illicit manufacture of drugs, governments must have adequate legislation in line with the United Nations Convention against Ill...
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内容简介Panel Discussion77sure �everything� and then come up with a hypothesis to test. That e, but is terribly expensive, and it very hard to get clinicians and academicians to agree to that becaus...
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内容简介68NICOTINETHE UGLY TRUTH ABOUT NICOTINETobacco use can quickly become an expensive habit. Apart from the costs of the tobacco products themselves �the cigarettes or cigars, the lighters or m...
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内容简介Choosing a medical device is complex and requires a transparent process based on reason, evidence and assessment of prioritized public health needs. Poor choices lead to inappropriate use or...
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内容简介2008, xviii + 141 pagesISBN 978 92 890 7185 7Health systems are under continuous pressure to meet the demands of their populations. In Finland, one area currently under review is that of pha...