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Ants and some other Insects - An Inquiry into the Psychic Powers of these Animals

Auguste Forel, William Morton Wheeler (trad.)
2009-01-01 00:00:00
ANTS AND SOME OTHER INSECTS.of the large worker brainis,15moreover, extremely rich in cellularIelements.figuresIn this connectionwould request youitto glance at theand their explanation. Very recently, to be sure,hascometobe the fashion to un-derestimate the importance of brain-morphology in psychology and even in nerve-physiology. But fashions, especiall} such absurd ones as this, should have no influence on true investigation. Of7course,we shouldnot expect anatomy to say whatitwas neverin-tended to say.In ants, injury to the cerebrum leads to the same results asjury to the brain of the pigeon.in-would refer you for a fuller account of the deand the psychic peculiarities of insects to my more extended work above mentioned Sensations des Insectes.In this placeItailsof sensation:can be demonstrated that insects possess the senses of The auditory sense is doubtful. sight, smell, taste, and touch. a sense of touch modified for the perception of delicate PerhapsItvibrationsmaybear a deceptive resemblance to hearing.Asixthsense has nowhere been shown to occur.Aphotodermatic sense,is inmodified for light-sensation, must be regarded as a form of the tactilesense.Itoccurs inmanyinsects.This senseno respectof an optic nature.In aquatic insects the olfactory and gustatorysenses perhaps grade over into each other somewhat (Nagel), sinceboth perceive chemical substances dissolvedin the water.Thevisual sense of the facetted eyesi.isespecially adapted forseeing movements,e.,for perceiving relativeitchanges of positioncontours of the ob-in the retinal image.In flightisable to localise'large spatialareas admirably, but mustjects than our eyes.showless definiteThe compound eyeyields only a single up-right image (Exner), the clearness of which increases with thenumberinof facetsand the convexity of the eye.thisExner succeededphotographingimagein the fire-fly (Lampyris).Astheeyes are immovable the sight of resting objects soon disappears so For this reason resting infar as the resting insect is concerned.sects are easily capturedinsects orient themselves in spacewhen very slowly approached. In flight by means of their compound
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