
Grain-Size Effects In Nanoscaled Electrolyte And Cathode Thin Films For Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (Sofc)

Christoph Peters
2009-12-21 00:00:00
7Appendix7.1 List of SamplesThe following tables (Table 6 - Table 9) summarize the experiments conducted within this work. The first column 濱WE-ID�contains the continuous number for each individual sample, mostly processed by the ISC (濱SC-ID� 2nd column). Unless denoted otherwise 8YSZ or LSC thin films (3rd column) were deposited by spin- or dip-coating or tampon-printing (4th column) on YSZ or sapphire substrates (5th column). The next three columns account for the temperature treatment of the samples including rapid thermal annealing (6th column) and an additional annealing at Tdwell (7th column) and tdwell (8th column). The remaining columns account for the measuring objective and the conducted experiments. The last column (瀝emarks� states the cooperation, in which the experimental results were obtained, including 1: M. Bockmeyer, R. Krger (ISC), 2: L. Dieterle, B. Butz (LEM), 3: B. Szke (diploma thesis, IWE), 4: J. Joos (study project, IWE), 5: H. Gtz (study project, IWE), 6: I. Netsch (study project, IWE), 7: U. Peters (study project, IWE), 8: Th. Knapp (study project, IWE).121
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