
Ubuntu Kung Fu: Tips, Tricks, Hints, and Hacks

Keir Thomas
2008-09-28 00:00:00
OCRSCANNED TEXT347user of the system can access, so this is considered insecure. There no need to change any of checkgmail other details, so click the OK button. Following this, a new Gmail icon will be added to the notiation area. It will change from grey to red to indicate new mail, and a small window will scroll down to tell you who the sender is. If there more than one message, the senders will be listed in order in the scroll-down window. You can then hover the mouse over the icon to see previews of the messages , and select any of them to open them in Firefox (or just click the icon itself to view your Inbox). To create a new mail, right-click the icon and select Compose mail. If you like to be notid of emails in non-Gmail accounts, see Tip 246, on page 286. To search your Gmail messages from the desktop, consider installing Google Desktopee Tip 282, on page 325.297OCR scanned textOptical Character Recognition is the process of turning printed text into electronic text. Utilizing it under Ubuntu is a breeze, as follows: 1. Start by using Synaptic to search for and install gocr. This is optical character recognition software that integrates into XSane, Ubuntu scanner program. Once installed, it doesn create an Applications menu entry. 2. Instead gocr is accessed through XSane, so start the program (Applications 鈫�Graphics 鈫�XSane Image Scanner). Before scanning, you must choose settings conducive to good OCR, so, on the main XSane control panel, set the image type dropdown list to Gray and the resolution dropdown to 300. These two dropdowns aren labelled but can be found roughly in the middle of the XSane conuration window, as shown in Figure 3.55, on the next page. 3. In the XSane Preview window, click the Acquire Preview button. This will run a preview scan. In the resulting image, drag the selecting bounding box in the Preview window from the edges of the image in order to tightly dee the text area that you want to scan. Ensure you crop-out as much surrounding area as possible�this will help avoid errors in the OCR output.Prepared exclusively for J.S. AshReport erratum this copy is (B2.0 printing, July 15, 2008)
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