ワ�ワ╋�ワ澑ワo�╋わ �╋o★��Eye-Opening Experiences inside the PrisonPas besoin de gril, lnfer cst les Autres. ean-Paul Sartre, Huis closIn any men locker room, one can see fathers helping their sons cope with showering, toweling, dressing, and so forth. There are so many di�rent fathers: tall, short, slim, fat, handsome, ugly, with hanging bellies, hunched, or even crippled. Yet all sons, without a single exception, are proud of their fathers. I was no di�rent. I cherished my father before I became aware of his faults. By the time that happened, however, it was too late. I was myself already wed in some way or another, and there was nothing in the paternalistic culture of my country that could help me out. None of us is programmed to search for an individual drive to live dissociated from the manger in which we were bred. This feeling is especially strong in the Balkans, where being ruled matters. Then it becomes the drama of our lives to try to detach ourselves from the rule of the fathers and establish a moral law of our own.