112W. Bergholz and N. FabriciusFig. 5.12 Excerpt from the committee draft of PT 62625 from the part in which general information about CNT parameters is given, the excerpt explains the concept of chirality of carbon nanotubes in Fig. 5.1 of the draft documentdeveloping a standardized preparation method for a CNT film from the material supplied by CNT vendors, which yields a value for the resistivity of the film, which can differ considerably from vendor to vendor. This ompound�parameter measured is influenced by a number of elementary materials parameters (such as the resistivity of the individual tubes, their average length, their surface properties, and their dispersion state). Measuring all these elementary material parameters and deriving a value for the sheet resistivity of a CNT thin film (ribbon) would be rather complex. Further, the most likely presence of some idden�parameter would render this task impossible. So the only feasible way is to use the pragmatic, product-related KCCs. The results of a trial-run (see Fig. 5.13) indicate that this indirect performance characterization method is relatively robust and relevant with respect to the application in flexible transparent films.5.4Future DevelopmentsIf the QM-based standardization strategy makes sense for nanoelectronic production, is it appropriate for the other nanotechnology products For any product that is supplied to safety and/or quality sensitive industry segments, such as automotive, aerospace or medical, the answer must be yes. Since the expectations for quantum leap improvements and breakthroughs through nanotechnology are high in those areas, it should be mandatory to use such a QM-centred strategy to ensure a timely and smooth industrialization. In this context, it should be noted that the application of QFD and other QM tools have reduced by 50% the development times in the automotive and other industries [13, 14] and significantly decreased the need for unplanned last minute changes after the start of production.