252 / Cathy Maxwellwhen you left, then the other when we heard you were killed in that storm. I can believe you are back with us.� knew it would be a grand surprise,�Wayland said with satisfaction. could have sent a message, but I wanted to deliver the news to you myself. I wanted to see the expression on your face.�Marion swiped at tears rolling down her cheeks. should give you a severe tongue-lashing for springing him on me this way,�she told her husband, and then held out her hands for her sons. ome, Matthew, John, meet your uncle.�The boys took a cautious step forward. Their expressions were so serious, Samantha wanted to hug each of them. Even the servants had stopped to watch the unfolding drama. Several maids dried their eyes on their aprons. Matthew held out his hand just as he had with his father. Yale took it. The corners of his mouth twitched, but he hid his smile before making his bow. t is good to meet you, sir,�Matthew said. nd I you, my lord marquess,�Yale said. n fact, it is very good.�Then John, mimicking his brother, also offered his hand. e are glad you are not dead,�he said with a child open honesty, and Yale laughed.