Fighting From Your Back You have to practise very short range punching to be effective from here. Aim straight down the centre line so that your punches have a little more distance to build up momentum. To be more destructive just open your fist and aim the same straight line attacks using your finger/s as the bullet - one good connection would/could spell the end of the fight for the opponent, and possible the end of his sight in the eye that you attack.Finger in mouthOften you can lean right over and across the top of the opponent head (with left or right hand) and reach his lip on the other side of his face. Hook your finger into the corner of his lip and tear back, hold him there whilst you punch him in the face with the other hand, or escape by turning him with the rip. Care has always to be taken with this technique not to actually go right into his mouth. If you get bitten it is excruciatingly painful. What I always do, and I use this technique a lot, is dig my middle finger firstly into the cheek of the opponent, about a couple of cm from the opening of his mouth, and pull. AsG E O F F T H O M P S O N �S G R O U N D F I G H T I N G S E R I E S34