You Deserve Loveuilt and shame always seeks punishment and punishment produces pain.�Louise HayWhen a person comes to my ofe with a lot of pain, I often hear words of guilt and shame of how bad they are. I never believe them, in the best possible way.Just as you sit now (delete just) breathe deeply and relax saying, have all the time in the world.�Or love you - all is well.�RelaxationOn a Daily basis �doesn have to be complex, just ask yourself now: What do I need to knowMeditation/PrayerThen listen and close your eyes and spend time with you, as you see your thoughts wander just come back to a word like love or forgive, or joy. Then as you go through the day, an idea may pop into consciousness; this may help you move on in overcoming problems and challenges. You can sit, run, dig the garden; you can do meditation and prayer in your way. Some write down all their negative thoughts �then write positive thoughts. If we can slow our thoughts down and see, h there a fear thought �angry thought Joy thought- Oh there a disaster thought!�Don give them importance, and then we can begin to tap our inner power and wisdom. f you don give them importance, the thoughts pass like soft clouds on a summer day.�Louise HayI forgive myself! What is it I need to learnCriticism breaks down the inner spirit praise builds it up. Thinking kindly of your-64-Praise yourself