Devoid of the often mind-numbing technical "psychobabble" and "medicalbabble" so characteristic of other books on the subject, this collection of abnormal psychology cases uses clear, accessible language and explanations, and a unique case conference format. Each case begins with some background information and, similar to Ellery Queen mysteries, readers are challenged through questions at various points to try and decide what is going on based on the amount of information presented. As each case gradually unfolds, readers are drawn deeper into the case and must keep on reading to discover the case's assessment(s), evaluations, diagnoses, treatment plan(s), possible medications, and prognoses. The book features real cases based on a variety of psychopathologies--all involving patients/clients from a wide variety of cultural, ethnic, racial, religious, social, and socioeconomic backgrounds--and all based on the author's own experiences as a practicing social worker and psychologist. Anxiety Disorders I. Anxiety Disorders II. Dissociative and Somatoform Disorders. Mood Disorders. Personality Disorders. Substance Related Disorders. Eating Disorders. Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders. Developmental Disorders. Developmental Disorders II. You Be the Diagnostician! Where Do We Go From Here For anyone interested in abnormal psychology, including health care workers, social workers, educators, etc.