2008, xviii + 141 pagesISBN 978 92 890 7185 7Health systems are under continuous pressure to meet the demands of their populations. In Finland, one area currently under review is that of pharmaceutical policy. Following a request from the Health Department, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies commissioned a review of the regulatory system of pharmaceutical policies in Finland. The assessment suggests that despite the challenges of a very developed system of pharmaceutical regulation, practical options exist to improve transparency and pricing policies, to strengthen the institutional environment and to improve the development of pharmacotherapy practices. The purpose of this book is not to prescribe solutions, but to suggest a range of options for policy-makers to reflect on so as to assist them in the process of policy review.Given this approach and the international perspective the report takes, it should stimulate further debate on the continuing development of pharmaceutical policies well beyond the confines of Finland borders.