(b) Psychological Poetics1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40157lung�, seventhly, the rge�(range� to write and eighthly, a poetic fantasy which can transgress the borders of reality.137 In order to explain how the poetic imagination acts and produces poetry, Dilthey distinguishes his poet psychology from the psychology of the mentally ill. He also draws a distinction between the psychology of the peoples like Lotze and Fechner when identifying psychic laws of poetic creation.138 According to Dilthey, poetic creations are never entirely new but rather recombinations of already-existing impressions, to which new impressions can be added in the following ways:139 on the level of recognizing and thinking, apperception is at work, on the levels of will and of feeling ildung�guides and disciplines the senses. It is the level of feeling which Dilthey examines closely as it promises insights into the irrational nature of poetic creation. He distinguishes several ircles of feeling�(efhlskreise�:140 firstly, the common sense or the sensations which result from physiological processes and cause pain or pleasure, secondly, elementary feelings that stem from sensations under the condition of interest (pleasure and listlessness), thirdly, feelings which result from perceptions, e. g. the perception of rhythm and metre and fourthly, feelings that originate in the houghtful combination of our ideas� e. g. in wit or humour. It is the fourth group which guarantees satisfaction (ohlgeflligkeit� and, as a consequence, pleasure.141 The reason for this is to be found in the principles which help to tie together our perceptions �principles that are mainly borrowed from Fechner.142 Among the older and general principles of nity of interest�(inheit des Interesses�, he manifold from and within the unifold�(iel aus Einem und in Einem�, nity in the manifold� (inheit im Mannigfaltigen� and dequateness of intellect�(erstandesangemessenheit�,143 Dilthey ex137 Dilthey (fn. 121), p. 138: dichterische Phantasie gewhrt uns nur ein Wort, in welchem die Vorgnge selber verborgen bleiben.�138 Ibid., p. 139: ch behaupte nun, da das Leben der Bilder in dem Trumenden, dem Irren, dem Knstler von dieser Psychologie nicht erklrt werden kann.� claim that the life of the images of the dreamer, the lunatic, the artist cannot be explained by this kind of psychology� The poet instead, writes with the full energy of his healthy soul; Ibid., pp. 163 �190. 139 Ibid., pp. 144 �148. 140 Ibid., p. 153. 141 Ibid. 142 Ibid., pp. 157 �163. 143 Ibid., p. 153.