AMETHODSAward schemeDo you know of a community planning project worthy of an award?Entry forms from: Community Planning Awards PO Box 7, Anytown Organised by Environment Agency Sponsored by Glass Ltd, Big Land and Grassroots Foundation Closing date for entries: 7 May 2002Award schemes provide a way to stimulate activity and spread good practice at a local, national or even international level. They can be set up by any organisation from a local community group to an international agency. The organisers establish the purpose of the scheme and assemble partners and sponsors. An entry form is drafted setting out the themes, categories (if any), entry criteria, judging procedure and prizes and the scheme is widely publicised to attract entries. Entries are judged and an award ceremony is held to focus publicity on the winning entry and the themes behind the awards. Procedures are reed and the awards held on a regular, often annual, basis. 飥�Financial incentives are not usually necessary.People will enter for the prestige. But a good plaque or framed certiate which can be publicly displayed will be highly valued.he awards are an uplifting experience. They raise the spirits of those of us who are fortunate enough to be shortlisted. They raise the horizons of those who miss out this time but look on and think e could do that�and have a crack next time. And they raise the proe of our kind of work amongst a much wider audience than we might ever otherwise hope to address.�David Robinson, Director, Community Links, London Acceptance speech, 1.3.94. ll over the country there are remarkable groups of people working incredibly hard to make a real difference to their communities. The whole object of these awards is to reward and recognise all these unsung heroes.�HRH The Prince of Wales, Chairman, UK Community Enterprise Awards, 1995飥�High proe patrons are very helpful in attracting entries andgetting publicity. eg Royalty or local mayor.飥�schemes to develop a catalogue of case studies for Useinformation exchange.飥�Judging can be highly educational. Have as many judges aspossible and get them to visit short-listed schemes. Such visits can be valuable for both the judges and local projects.$Local schemes: few costs involved. National schemes can be complex and involve considerable administration. The more successful they become, the more administration is required to ensure fairness and impartiality. Great scope for sponsorship.THE COMMUNITY PLANNING HANDBOOK32