
M-48/60 Patton Main Battle Tank (Born in Batle Special)

2011-02-06 00:00:00
The [-'I48Al was the first model to be fitted with :::.. ~ :\1 1 cupola mounting an 0.5" calibre M2 Browning ~-:::B . intended for use against ground and aerial targets. -:::: ~ gun was mounted on its side to simplify loading; - _c to the limited space available, only 50 rounds of .=--...m unition could be stowed. Turret traverse, eleva :...on and depression of the main armament were con -:-olled by an electro-hydraulic system developed by ~ _dillac Gage. One complete rotation of the turret :30k only IS seconds, permitting rapid gun laying and ~ . _o rt reaction times. The use of inflammable hydraul _: t1 uid at high pressure, inherent in such a system, ::35 proved dangerous in combat. In the Yom Kippur . o of 1973, the Israelis suffered many casualties ar -hen hydraulic fluid pipes ruptured following hits to : he turret. Although complex, this tank's fire control system "";--as superior to those of all contemporary tanks, en - ring a first round hit of 50% at 1,500 yards within :iJteen seconds. It did, however, require extensive and :-onstant training to produce an efficient rangefinder operator. \1any crews found the whole system so com :;>licated that they ignored the rangefinder and fed :"nto the computer an estimated range setting, then :lied for effect. The problems were only resolved by he adoption of the coincidence rangefinder in the _160; this was subsequently retrofitted to the M48A3 nd M48A5. In fact, it was not until the advent of the laser that a truly effective method of ranging was developed. The M48 had an elliptical cast hull which provided _ gh structural rigidity, volume, and ballistic protec ion for the minimum of weight. The suspension was of the torsion bar type consisting of six pairs of indi idually suspended roadwheels. Tracks were of the rubber padded double pin type which had an excel lent serviceability record. The tank was powered by arious models of the Continental petrol engine, A V 1790-5B, 7, 7B or 7C coupled with the Allison 'cross drive' transmission. This proven combination was re liable, providing good mobility with a power to weight ratio of 17 horsepower per ton - superior to contemporary medium tanks. Fuel consumption was high, in common with all petrol-driven tank engines of the 1950s. The average : onsumption, 3Yz gallons to the mile, limited the range to only 80 miles. Operating across country, the general rule was one 5 gallon jerrycan of MOGAS ~motor gasoline) per mile. At that time 226,000 gal lons of petrol were needed to move an armoured divi sion 100 miles by road; across country, this require ment could easily be doubled! As a palliative, a_J.:. _._M48A 1. Distinguishing features are the commander's cupola, flat engine decks and the undercut rear hull plate.M48A2 - weapon systems. Target acquisition (periscopes) .. (below cupola) and peritelescope left of the gun. Range finder bulbs on both sides of turret. New Ml cupola with 0.5" M. G. and M4I 90mm gun + coaxial 0.3" M. G. (right hole near the gun). M48A3 (Israeli-modified) - Newly designed low profile cupola, 0.3" commander's M.G. , redesigned searchlight bracket fits, I05mm L 7 main gun. V.... - 4...... .'.;a11
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