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Do Ants Have Assholes?: And 106 of the World's Other Most Important Questions (repost)

Jon Butler, Bruno Vincent , "Do Ants Have Assholes?: And 106 of the World's Other Most Important Questions"
2011-03-18 00:00:00
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?harold BunflaP, KraKoWMuch hay is made of this question being unanswerable�not true. Archeology shows that forebears of the chicken (the squarp, thirteen million years; the Mesozoic doubleneck rooster, seventeen million years; the twatfinch, twenty-two million years) gave birth to eggs rather than full-formed offspring. The egg came first.娄 prof. hEnry hAmpton, SmEllInG, north SuffolkThe chicken is well known as being directly descended from the red-crested marsh squatter, a land bird with one-inch legs and genetic incontinence (its evolutionary survival probably due to no other animal wanting to eat it). Fossils have shown a pregnant mother with full-grown infants in its belly. The chicken came first.娄 prof. brADlEy brook, SnIffInG, EASt SuffolkHow bitterly I watch Prof. Brook promulgating his fetid lies. He knows I on to him, the charlatan. Ie seen the time-travel device he is building in his back garden to go back, plant evidence, and prove himself right!182
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