The eighth edition of Who's Buying at Restaurants and Carry-Outs is based on unpublished data collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics' 2008 Consumer Expenditure Survey. It examines how much Americans spend on eating out by the demographics that count: age, income, high-income households, household type, race and Hispanic origin, region of residence, and education. To round out the spending picture, it also presents who-are-the-best-customers analyses of the data, showing the demographics of spending at a glance. The report looks at spending on breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks consumed at fast-food and full-service restaurants, employer and school cafeterias, and vending machines and mobile vendors.The Consumer Expenditure Survey is a complete accounting of household expenditures. It includes everything from big-ticket items such as homes and cars, to small purchases like laundry detergent and videos. The data in the survey, which does not include expenditures by government, businesses, or institutions, are released two years after they are collected by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. --This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition.