
Yellow Star

Jennifer Roy
2006-04-15 00:00:00
settled in Albany, New York. Sadly, Syvia mother, Haya, developed cancer and died when Syvia was just sixteen. Syvia and her father were devastated. They remained in Paris for a while, but it wasn the same without Haya and Dora. Dora encouraged them to come to America, so they could all be together. In 1957 Isaac and Syvia Perlmutter emigrated to the United States, settling near Dora and Jack. Syvia father got a good job in sales. And Syvia, whose name was Americanized to Sylvia, got a job in a dress shop. She was still learning English and adjusting to her new country when she met David Rozines, also a survivor. They were married in 1959. Soon they moved to Rochester, New York, where their son was born. Life in Rochester was pleasant. David sold and installed window treatments. Their son attended school in one of the best school districts in the country. Sylvia worked in her son school cafeteria. She was thrilled that her child was getting the education she never had. David mother, Rachel, lived with them. They all saw Isaac and Dora often. Isaac now had two grandchildrenylvia son and
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